Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Adam Lambert: Marriage Equality Should Bring People Together!

Adam Lambert flashes a smile as he makes his way through LAX Airport on Monday (September 24) in Los Angeles. The 30-year-old singer is headed to Maryland to perform at a fundraiser for Marylanders for Marriage Equality! “What’s exciting about this concert is that it’s a benefit for something I think is really important,” Adam told the Washingtonian about the fundraiser. “I usually keep a distance from politics—not because I don’t have my own opinions, but because politics in this country involves a lot of mudslinging and negativity. Marriage equality, though, is a human-rights issue—it’s nonpartisan, and I think it should bring people together, which is what I’m all about.”

Source : http://www.justjared.com/2012/09/25/adam-lambert-marriage-equality-should-bring-people-together/

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