Minnie Driver is gearing up for the NBC comedy pilot Lady Friends, according to Deadline. The show is about “two life-long female friends (Driver and Andrea Anders) who are living very different lives but couldnât live without each other.” Matthew Perry will also be starring in an NBC comedy pilot titled Go On, which follows a charming sportscaster (played by Matthew) as he deals with life after loss with a support group. Over on ABC, Leah Remini will star as the only female in White Van Man, a comedy about a man taking over his family’s business. Mamie Gummer has joined the cast of Claireâs Cambodia! The story revolves around “three sisters whose estrangement, resentment and envy of one another is barely dented by the news that their father is terminally ill.” Justin Hartley will head the team in the CW’s new medical drama pilot First Cut! Justin will play a cute new surgical intern who finds himself to be very popular. ARE YOU EXCITED to see Minnie, Matthew, Leah, Mamie, and Justin in their new pilots??
Source : http://www.justjared.com/2012/03/04/minnie-driver-matthew-perry-mamie-gummer-new-pilots/
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