Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thousands Petition to Overturn 'Bully' R Rating

Should Lee Hirsch‘s documentary Bully be rated PG-13 instead of R? More than 100,000 people think so and have signed an online petition urging the Motion Picture Association of America to change its rating – so that the demographic who needs to see the film can actually watch it. “I can’t believe the MPAA is blocking millions of teenagers from seeing a movie that could change – and, in some cases, save – their lives. According to the film’s website, over 13 million kids will be bullied this year alone. Think of how many of these kids could benefit from seeing this film, especially if it is shown in schools?” Katy Butler, the Michigan high school student who started the petition, says on its website. The National Association of Theatre Owners has since fired back and even threatened to urge its members to consider the film – which centers around the challenges faced by high school kids who suffer from incessant teasing – NC-17. FYI: New statistics show that every seven minutes, someone is bullied on school grounds. Nearly 18 million children are bullied each year – that’s 1 out of 4 teens, and 9 out of 10 LGBT students experience harassment at school and online. For more info and to watch the film’s trailer, check out You can also sign the petition at

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