Friday, September 28, 2012

Dennis Quaid Covers 'Los Angeles Confidential' Magazine

Dennis Quaid takes a seat on the cover of Los Angeles Confidential‘s latest issue, on newsstands October 1. Here is what the 58-year-old Vegas actor had to share with the mag: On his former substance abuse issues: “That was a pretty wild time. I was doing a lot of blow back then…. It was starting to affect my work, actually. It was lack of sleep and just not being able to be as present as you need to be … I saw myself dead within five years. It [all happened] in one night, and the next day I was in rehab…. Once I got that figured out, then I spent the ’90s just relearning life.â€� On moving back to television after 35 years: “It was a huge decision. I’ve been looking for something to do in television for a couple of years now, because I feel what’s going on in television is what was going on in the movies in the ’70s. A lot of great writers have moved to television, and they’re doing some really good stuff.â€� On reinventing himself in Hollywood: “As an artist—or even in life—you have to rethink yourself. You’re still the same per­son, but you get older and you start getting into different roles, and you can’t play the same thing over and over again, because that’s not what a long-distance runner does. You have to remake yourself every decade… at least every seven years.â€� For more from Dennis, visit!

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