Thursday, May 24, 2012

Florence Welch: I'll Be a Redhead for Life

Florence Welch rocks a dress, headband, and mesh necklace all by Chanel in this feature from Marie Claire‘s June issue, with cover girl Jessica Alba. Here’s what the 25-year-old Florence + the Machine singer had to share: On her signature fiery red hair: “I’m a lifer now – I’ve tried going back to brown, but I don’t recognize myself.â€� On her surroundings: “I’m completely in love with the world but also terrified of it. It creates some overwhelming feelings. Wanting to battle out that joy and fear is part of my music.â€� On growing up: “In the beginning I was a lot younger, drunker, and more glib. I’ve learned not to hide behind a veil of irony – to talk about my work in a more honest way.â€� For more pics of Florence, check out!

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