Saturday, March 3, 2012

Christina Hendricks: 'V' Sports Issue Shoot!

Christina Hendricks holds a bow in this feature from V magazine‘s Sports Issue, featuring cover girl Jennifer Lopez. Here’s what the 36-year-old Mad Men actress had to share: On her character’s restrictive girldes and garters: “Now I put moleskin underneath the rubber so it doesn’t rub against my skin. I still get a little bruised up, but I’m learning the tricks of the trade.” On her previous roles: “I used to play characters more naive than [Mad Men's] Joan, who is so sophisticated and … not jaded, but worldlier. I’ve definitely learned from playing a character that is so confident and resilient.” On fame: “Oh, I can totally go unnoticed. I ran around all day today. Not a mention. In Los Angeles you know the neighborhoods where you’re more likely to get noticed. And then you probably put on lipstick.”

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