Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kristen Wiig Talks Worst Former Jobs with 'Vogue'

Check out Kristen Wiig‘s feature in Vogue‘s latest issue (featuring Adele on the cover). Here’s what the 38-year-old comedienne had to share: On her worst former job: “I answered phones in a law office. This is going to make me sound so stupid, but the phone system was so confusing, I literally couldn’t figure it out. Someone explained it to me. . . . ‘OK-well-you-press-this-and-you-put-them-on-hold-and-you-have-to-trans­fer-them-through-this-thing-and-then-you-have-to-press-these-two-buttons-and-press-0-0. . . .’ ” On working on SNL: “It’s a six-and-a-half-day week. This year I’ve been an after-after sort of girl. Sometimes I need to blow off steam and go dance really hard.” On taking creative risks: “When you go out of your comfort zone and it works there’s nothing more satisfying.” For more from Kristen, visit! Bigger pic inside…

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